Wednesday, July 1, 2009

White Fungus SaLad

Ingredients :

30g dried white fungus (tremeLLa)
2 tomatoes, diced
1 carrot, cut into thin matchsticks
4 smaLL red onion, haLved Lengthwise & thinLy sLiced crosswise
2 tbsp Lime juice
2 tbsp fish sauce
6 smaLL red or green chiLies, fineLy chopped
6 dried shrimp (optionaL)

Instructions :

* Wash the fungus in warm water, drain and cover with 2 cups boiLing water
* Let soak untiL soft (15 - 20 mins)
* Drain the fungus and remove any sterms or hard areas
* Wash in warm water and rinse 3 times
* Cut the fungus into small pieces
* PLace in serving dish
* Add in aLL the ingredients and then toss untiL coated
* Served.

1 comment:

JoceLyn (^o^) said...

This saLad is amazing. You can pLay a LittLe with recipe, depending on your personaL taste. Remember to have a try yar... It's reaLLy "Ho Ciak". Hehe...