Sunday, October 11, 2009

Taste of Love

Strawberry Inspire, BLueberry Inspire and SpeciaL Inspire

Strawberry SaLad


Saturday, October 3, 2009

Mid-Autumn Festival

The Mid-Autumn FestivaL, also known as the Moon FestivaL, or in chinese, Zhong Qiu Jie (traditionaL chinese : 中秋节) is a popuLar harvest festivaL ceLebrated by Chinese peopLe. In Malaysia, Singapore and the PhiLippines, it is aLso sometimes referred to as the Lantern FestivaL or Mooncake FestivaL.

This festivaL is heLd on the 15th day of the eight month in the Chinese caLendar, which is usuaLLy around Late September or earLy October in the Gregorian caLendar.

The traditionaL food of this festivaL is the mooncake, of which there are many different varieties. TraditionaLLy on this day, Chinese famiLy members and friends wiLL gather to admire the bright moon, and eat moon cakes and pomelos together. I Like the mooncake box because it has a nice design. Lastly, I'm here to wish you aLL ''Happy Mooncake Festival''.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Cameron Highlands, Pahang

Cameron Highlands is a highLand region Located about 121 km east of Ipoh and about 216 km north of Kuala Lumpur, in Pahang, Malaysia. At 5,000 ft (1,500 m) above sea LeveL it is the highest area on the mainLand, enjoys a cooL cLimate, with temperatures no higher than 25 C and rareLy faLLs beLow 12 C year-round.
Above are the photo of fLowers. Those fLowers smeLL nice and beautifuL. It's onLy cost RM10.00 for four (4) packs. It's very cheap, so must buy o. Those fLowers can Last for aLmost two (2) weeks if you know how to take care of them.

Hehe... cute cute cute... a Lot of cute strawberry doLLs. Wish to bring them back.

Photos of me

Hehe... I Like this cactus pot so much because they look so cute but quite expensive.

Khi Khi... I took this photo from the outside view of the apartment that we rent. The apartment quite big and comfortable. Not bad...

Ah haha... this is the outside view of Smoke House... How... Nice Leh... What? Want to know what inside have... then u aLL have to come & see by your own... Haha... :p

Come come... Let me introduce my plants. The fLower in yeLLow colour caLLed ''Kekwa''. WhiLe the other in pink coLour caLLed ''Daisy''. Those two (2) pLants are I bought from Cameron. Waseh! na lai na sui (semakin hari semakin cantik).

Ummmm... nice and colourfuL but for me it's too expensive. Hahah... Ooopsss... one(1) more thing I forget to teLL you aLL, that is remembered to try the sweet corn yar... It's really juicy compare with the one that we buy from the market here. Ah haha... without cooks aLso can eat, so if you got the opportunity to come here must try Oooo.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tasik Mengkuang, Bukit Mertajam

On the sunny Sunday, my friends and I go to Tasik Mengkuang at Bukit Mertajam to ''jaLan-jaLan''. There is a dam. There have a nice view, cooL air & nice pLants. Inside the tasik got a Lot of fishes. We can see some peopLe wiLL buy fish food to feed those fishes. Besides that, it's aLso a nice pLace for exercise, jogging or having a picnic.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Vegetable Arts

Fishes (make from vegetable)

"Eating fish can provide an exceLLent source of Omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins and mineraLs that benefits your generaL heaLth.'' The American Heart Association recommends at least two (2) serving of fish per week to heLp prevent heart attacks and strokes.

Dog With Umbrella


Dog Having Lunch (make from banana)

"Banana contains three (3) naturaL sugar - sucrose, fructose and glucose. These naturaL sugars combined with fiber in a banana gives an instant, sustained and substantiaL boost of energy. Research has proven that just two (2) bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90 minute workout."

Worm (make from strawberry and "佛手瓜")

Strawberry is one of the most deLicious and nutritious friut. It has the abiLity to remove harmful toxin in the bLood. It is aLso recommended for sLuggish Liver, gout, rheumatism, constipation, high bLood pressure, catarrh and even skin cancer.

Hamster (make from potato)

"Eating potatoes can caLm a queasy stomach. The potato skin contains vitamin B6, which is good for eliminating nausea. Potatoes are high in potassium, and foods rich in potassium tend to keep high bLood pressure under controL. Another added benefit to eating potatoes is feeLing fuLLer longer, heLping keep weight under control. Diabetics can benefit from eating potatoes for several reasons. Potatoes contain vitamin C, a nutrient known for heLping reguLate sugar LeveLs in the bLood."

Sheep (make from cauliflower)

Penguin (make from brinjaL)

"BrinjaL also known as eggplant and Aubergine. It is a species of Solanum native to South India and SriLanka. BrinjaL was known as MaLayan purple meLon in China. It is used in form of ointment, tincture; decoction. It is very effective in reLieving haemorrhoidaL discomfort. It is very nutritious. It reduces sweLLings from joints and other parts of body."


Wow, they are so creative... jealous oh... hope one (1) day I can be Like them too. Hehe...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Potato SaLad

Ingredients :

4 potato
1 tomato
some bLack pepper
1 tbsp raisins
1 tsp saLt
1 tbsp saLad dressing

Method :

* Heat up haLf pot of water, add in saLt then cook potato until soft
* PeeL the potato, cut into dices and then set a aside
* Mix other ingredients with potato
* Serve

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

White Fungus SaLad

Ingredients :

30g dried white fungus (tremeLLa)
2 tomatoes, diced
1 carrot, cut into thin matchsticks
4 smaLL red onion, haLved Lengthwise & thinLy sLiced crosswise
2 tbsp Lime juice
2 tbsp fish sauce
6 smaLL red or green chiLies, fineLy chopped
6 dried shrimp (optionaL)

Instructions :

* Wash the fungus in warm water, drain and cover with 2 cups boiLing water
* Let soak untiL soft (15 - 20 mins)
* Drain the fungus and remove any sterms or hard areas
* Wash in warm water and rinse 3 times
* Cut the fungus into small pieces
* PLace in serving dish
* Add in aLL the ingredients and then toss untiL coated
* Served.

Woodcraft Construction Kit

Do it yourself, often referred to by the acronym DIY, is a term used by various communities that focus on peopLe (caLLed do-it-yourself or DIY) creating or repairing things for themseLves without the aid of ''on-duty, work-stationed'' paid professionaLs. Many DIYers may in fact be off-duty or retired professionaLs.

phrase "do it yourseLf" came into common usage in the 1950s in reference to various jobs that peopLe couLd do in and around their own houses without the heLp of professionaLs. A very active community of peopLe continues to use the term DIY to refer to fabricating or repairing things for home needs, on one's own rather than purchasing them or paying for professionaL repair. In other words, home improvement done by the househoLder without the aid of paid professionaLs.

First of aLL, I wouLd Like to introduce four (4) coLLection of my woodcraft. These incLude Cross Country MotorcycLe, Goat, Train and EagLe. I prefer DIY because I found that it is very interesting. A part from that, we can use it to spent our Leisure time. However, within those four (4) woodcraft, I found that cross country motorcycLe is the most difficuLt to assembLy because it contain of smaLL stamped pieces. FinaLLy, under my patientLy I had assembLies it & the feeLing of accomplishment is very hard to describe.

Lastly, I hope that aLL of you wiLL enjoy DIY too. Syiok Lor... Hehe... Don't forget to have a try yar... Khi khi...

Thursday, June 25, 2009

MiLo Banana Shake (4 Servings)

Ingredients :

6 tabLespoons MiLo powder dissolved in 4 tabLespoons hot water
1 ripe banana
1 cup chilled NESTLE Low Fat Milk
1 cup crushed ice
1 scoop NESTLE Vanilla Ice Cream

Instructions :

* BLend aLL ingredients in bLender until weLL mixed
* Pour smoothie into chiLLed gLasses and top with ice cream
* Serve at once