The Mid-Autumn FestivaL, also known as the Moon FestivaL, or in chinese, Zhong Qiu Jie (traditionaL chinese : 中秋节) is a popuLar harvest festivaL ceLebrated by Chinese peopLe. In Malaysia, Singapore and the PhiLippines, it is aLso sometimes referred to as the Lantern FestivaL or Mooncake FestivaL.
This festivaL is heLd on the 15th day of the eight month in the Chinese caLendar, which is usuaLLy around Late September or earLy October in the Gregorian caLendar.
The traditionaL food of this festivaL is the mooncake, of which there are many different varieties. TraditionaLLy on this day, Chinese famiLy members and friends wiLL gather to admire the bright moon, and eat moon cakes and pomelos together. I Like the mooncake box because it has a nice design. Lastly, I'm here to wish you aLL ''Happy Mooncake Festival''.